After an intensive B Corp Month it is time to reflect and share. (April 2024)

Let’s start from the beginning… What is the B Corp Month? It is an annual, global campaign designed by B Lab* to increase awareness about B Corporations and how they’re different from other businesses.
These companies use their businesses as a force for good; they strive to balance
profits with positive social and environmental impact to contribute to a more equitable and
regenerative future.
It is not just a communication campaign, it is a celebration of the B global Community as a whole (+8,000 B Corps, B Consultants, B locals, B Academics and many other changemakers) who join to tell and demonstrate everybody that it is possible for a company to meet high social and environmental performance whilst staying financially healthy.
Personally, I had the opportunity to get involved in this campaign working once again very close to my clients, such us ALTAFONTE who always accept the challenge to show the world what it means to be a B Corp. I also had the pleasure to contribute with the B local Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, facilitating a panel discussion hosted by Unilever AANZ. It was a pleasure to learn how Unilever AANZ and Brightly are always finding new ways to improve and go forward.
It is lucky to be able to work with likeminded people who believe in collaboration and commitment towards a better future.
Our economic system needs to change and companies are key to facilitating the evolution towards a more equitable, inclusive and regenerative society. You and / or your company can also be part of this unstoppable change. Join us?
If you want to know more about the initiatives and events that took place worldwide during the B Corp Month 2024: explore the dedicated website to get more information and inspiration about B Corps (